Start your free trial

Create your account now and manage all your bookings from a single platform.
Try RentalWise for free for 14 days, you can cancel anytime.

The workspace is a dedicated area within RentalWise where you can manage your rentals. Only alphanumeric characters are allowed.

“The RentalWise platform has enabled us to scale our business and online presence with ease. The level of support and expertise received from their team ensures we can focus our resources on building the core business instead of investing in a tech team.”

Nic Meakins
CEO, LuxGive

Frequently asked questions

What types of payment do you accept?
We accept Visa, American Express and MasterCard via Stripe.
Can I cancel my account anytime?
Of course! You can sign in and cancel anytime before your next billing cycle.
What happens when my trial ends?
If your trial ends and you don’t have a credit card attached to your billing settings, the account will be downgraded to a read only plan.
Is my data safe?
Yes, your data is safe with us. Check our privacy policy to learn more about how we protect your data.
What are your active customer support hours?
We are available to help you from 9 am to 6 pm (GMT+2).
Have more questions?
If you have more questions you can write to us at [email protected]